Lukas Marckmiller



Penetration Tester

OWASP MSTG Contributor

Blog Post

HackTheBox Walkie Hackie

Mar 06, 2022 Writeup
HackTheBox Walkie Hackie
  1. Download Challenge files
  2. Open files in e.g Universal Radio Hacker
  3. Select “Show data as” and select “Hex”
  4. Each Signal consists of a preamble, a sync word and the payload in hex Preamble: AAAAAAAA Sync Word: 73214693 Payload A2FF84, A1FF14, B2FF24 and B1FF57
  5. Idea is to fuzz the variable parts around the FF’s in the payload
  6. Create a list for the fuzzer
    for i in range(0x00,0xff+1):
  7. Use list with e.g ffuf ffuf -w 00_ff.lst:W1,00_ff.lst:W2 -u http://<ip>:<port>/transmit -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'pa=AAAAAAAA&sw=73214693&pl=W1ffW2' -c -fw 403
  8. Filter default output with -fw 403 (filter word), you can run it without the filter and observe the common response
  9. You get back all the results that lead to a different response. With the flag in the response content.